The Grass grew as I watched.
My visitors were I hope duly impressed but there was still some work to be done and the youngsters from ROOT CAMP who spent an afternoon working with me and getting to understand the link between growing, preparing and eating food and just how a forest garden can provide a sustainable way to provide that food.For more about this great organisation go to:
I am happy to give guided tours of the FG to interested groups please get in touch to arrange to: or 01239 881394.
Earlier in the year we had real problems with the weather: cold temperatures, lower light levels and worst of all hail storms just when the blossom was at its height.The fruit tree harvest is going to be poor especially cherries and plums. One cherry "small black" did quite well producing 2kg of delicious juicy fruit but not quite up to the 7kg that we got last year.
You will notice netting in the top of the picture. I use this on most of my fruit trees as it not only deters the birds (though I did catch some magpies sat on top of the netting spearing fruit and trying to break in) but keeps the wasps out, works really well and is the only way to ensure a good crop.
Here is the same tree from a distance with a juneberry also covered in the foreground.
Wild strawberries have a taste all of their own and are quite delicious if only you could get enough to get your mouth round!! well how about this: a wild strawberry jungle.
What was our patio, laid with local slate has been colonised by these wonderful plants which have produced so much fruit I can hardly keep up with it but I keep trying!!!
New Zealand Flax or more correctly Phormium tenax
Another great plant for the FG so dramatic in flower. I like tipping an individual flower onto my tong to get the sweet nectar, but the main use is the leaves as they make great albeit temporary twine. I peel the leaves into thin strips and use to tie in stakes to trees and even use to carry hop bines up a frame. They rot out after about 6 months just right.
Lastly I thought I would include a picture of one of our little visitors.
One of several cubs frolicking around enjoying the safety of our land.